Sunday, September 22, 2013

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids - is it as simple as a diet?

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids - is it as simple as a diet?
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Treatment of internal hemorrhoids refers to fight against the blood vessels in the rectum and anus that have become swollen due to a weakening of the tissue. These hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids differ in that they protrude through the anus.

Typically, the first symptom of internal hemorrhoids is the presence of bright red blood in the stool or in the toilet or on the toilet paper. While bleeding hemorrhoids are not a serious illness, you should see your doctor and he / she confirm that your health is in fact due to hemorrhoids and not a more serious condition such as cancer colon.

The treatment of internal hemorrhoids can be as simple as soft regime change. The fabric is bleeding because it is under pressure from stools, prolonged sitting or a general lack of exercise. By increasing the amount of natural fiber in your diet, especially breakfast, will ensure a more stable digestive tract and easier bowel movement. Natural fiber is abundant in nuts, citrus, apples and whole grains. If you use a commercial fiber supplement, read the label to see if the fiber content is higher than the sugar and sodium.

Water. Drink lots of it, at least eight glasses a day. Not only does this tend to soften the stool, but it will hydrate the body and strengthen blood vessels.

If you spend most of the session today, get up. Give your bottom a break. The human body is designed to spend most of his "time on his feet or fixing is not sitting. Sitting for long periods of time puts undue pressure on the blood vessels and encourages hemorrhoids.

While you are standing, you might as well try a little exercise. Part of the reason that hemorrhoids are off the muscles that hold the fabric lost their tone. A simple exercise like walking can help not only the muscle tone but also improve blood flow to the area as well.

For the miracle solution for internal hemorrhoids that we all seek, hemorrhoidal ointments as Preparation H suppositories are available at the local pharmacy. A note of caution. If hemorrhoids are bleeding, stay away from pain medicine aspirin as they are and anticoagulants. Use Tylenol instead.

Hemorrhoids are annoying, can be painful and can also be annoying. The only way to avoid a relapse is to make permanent changes in way of life in your diet. If you are looking for more than a quick fix, then you will have to do some research to see if the required changes are something you can live with.


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If you've tried many types of hemorrhoid solutions then you probably understand the differences of how each is used. In this article, I'll go over what each of them do for the body, how they intend to treat hemorrhoids or piles, and the controversial, raw truth on most of them.

The first popular type is creams and ointments where a topical treatment is rubbed on your outer rectal area and aims to soothe blood vessels. This creates a relaxation of the tissue so that it does not bulge out so much. Once the tissue does not bulge, the hemorrhoid will be less likely to flare up. This is great for some relief in the temporal matter but unfortunately you are practically guaranteed to flare up again.

The 2nd type that is very popular as well in the form of suppositories which is inserted inside the rectum for the purposes of delivering moisture to the hemorrhoid and creating a lubricating effect once the next rectal pressure comes. The aim is to ensure the hemorrhoid heals without rupturing again. For some it works well, for others not so but it's worth seeing.

The 3rd type is pills where one can consume that regulate some blood pressure in the system. This can have its side effects but overall it's used to tighten vein tissue so that the hemorrhoid is less susceptible to problems. It's a very top down approach that has its benefits but can also induce real side effects and big pharmacies like to push this.

These three types are the most common and once these are exhausted, you still have options such as cryotherapy or surgery. It all depends on the individual case and what you can tolerate. In my personal experience, it's best to first try the safer options before going to the extreme measures. Even if the pain is unbearable, you can still use relief from these methods. It's just not pleasant long-term either.

Now, not all hope is lost. I do have one solution that has surprised me pleasantly. I'd like to review a totally safe, natural remedy that works within a few days. It's called the H Miracle system and you can find it at:

It's already been proven by hundreds, if not thousands of success stories in the underground fashion of alternative medicine. The system includes ingredient resources, charts, audio lessons and basically everything you need to cure your hemorrhoids one and for all. I really recommend it and just see the testimonials from users who have triumphed even severe hemorrhoids for good. Once again, see the free report on this at: